Communication is perhaps what has most changed us as a civilization. Nowadays there is very little that prevents us from communicating with one another with very little effort but how much of our communication is actually productive? Although it is very easy to send our messages how much is lost in translation? How much of our privacy have we forfeited? With nothing preventing us from communicating we lose our sense of space. Our planet is so big communication should prove an obstacle but if we were to explode at a seconds notice someone on the other side of the world will know about it in minutes. We have been meticulously organized to facilitate perfect connectivity. I was invited to photograph a small business fair, being there I made myself a lot of questions in regards to what we as a society are looking for and what truly satisfies us. "Company X” organizes small business shows throughout the country, seeking to create meeting places where small businesses have the option to expand its allies and broaden their range of customers. This same company, “Company X”, offers lectures to promote what they call “keys to success” to new entrepreneurs, while using their CEO success as a primary example. However, what most of these new entrepreneurs don’t realize is that the company's business and it's success is achieved of the naivety and innocence of these “skilled” entrepreneurs, who without hesitation pay up to $5,000 US Dollars to get success keys. Beyond this hoax which is, Who would not want to give all they can to their family?, Let’s venture in this world where wealth and success can become reality. Where the elderly is still searching for something more than what they have already accomplished. Who is completely satisfied with what they have achieved? Nonconformity can take us in several directions. This is not a place for conformists to exist in all probabilities. Human beings, within their personal dissatisfaction, hunt for a coat of expertise to shelter themselves, both seeking guidance and to be guided. These are photographs of distant world. A world where everyone is wealthy in their own regard, yet appear unaware of it. Wealth quantified by what is in our pockets is too easily achieved. ----------------------------------------------------- La comunicación es tal vez lo que más drásticamente nos cambia como civilización. Ahora nada nos impide conectarnos con nada y así perdemos a veces la noción del espacio. El planeta es muy grande. Si reventamos, alguien en el otro lado del mundo lo sabrá en minutos, hemos sido organizadamente conectados. Fui invitado a fotografiar esta feria de negocios, me hice cientos de preguntas sobre lo que somos como sociedad, de lo que buscamos y lo que nos satisface. Esta empresa X organiza ruedas de pequeños negocios a lo largo de todo el país, buscando crear lugares de encuentro donde las pequeñas empresas tengan la opción de ampliar sus aliados estratégicos y abran su abanico de clientes. Sin embargo esta misma empresa X ofrece ponencias y charlas a lo largo de todo el evento para dar a los asistentes las claves del éxito utilizando como ejemplo sus exitosas vidas logradas a partir de supuestos negocios independientes. Lo que la mayoría de los asistentes no identifica es que su negocio y su éxito es la inocencia de todos los hábiles emprendedores que sin dudarlo pagan 5.000 dólares para obtener claves de éxito. Mas allá del engaño que es, ¿Quien no quisiera darle todo a su familia? Aventuremonos en el mundo donde la riqueza puede hacerse realidad. Donde los ancianos siguen ansiando… ¿Quien está satisfecho con lo que ha conseguido? El inconformismo nos puede llevar en todas las direcciones. Este sin duda no es un lugar para conformistas. El ser humano dentro de su insatisfacción personal busca un abrigo de experticia que le cobije, después de todo hay que guiar y dejarse guiar. Estas son solo fotografías de otro mundo. Un mundo donde todos son ricos de alguna forma pero son inconscientes de ello. Después de todo podría ser muy fácil ser rico por lo que se tiene en los bolsillos.